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Important Notice : Lawyerintl.com strongly recommends that you seek independent legal advice from a qualified lawyer before using any of the forms on this site, in order that you can verify the forms are suitable for your needs.

Notice By Prospective Buyer Memorandum Delivery Inspection


[First Name of Recipient] [Last Name of Recipient]
[Company's Name of Recipient]
[Address of Recipient]
[City of Recipient], [State of Recipient]
[Zip Code of Recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Recipient]:

The goods described below are delivered to you on memorandum only, at your risk of loss, or damage by theft, robbery, fire or otherwise. Title to the goods is and shall remain in [Name of seller], the seller, and is held by the undersigned as agent of the seller subject to the order of the seller. Delivery of the goods is for the purpose of inspection only, and the goods shall be returned to the undersigned on demand. Nothing contained in this memorandum shall be construed to be, nor has there otherwise been, an extension of credit by this notice. The undersigned has no right to transfer the goods to any other person, firm or corporation, whether on memorandum or otherwise, without the written permission of the seller.

The price set forth in the description of the goods is in no way intended to establish the selling price, but is set forth merely to make a more complete description of the goods listed.

[Description of goods].

Dated: [Date of Notice].
